Market Insight:
Real Estate News, Trends & Resources

Welcome to Our House. Thanks for your time. We provide detailed advice and market information to commercial tenants throughout our website. It’s all about you, tenants, since you are our sole focus. We are an independent firm, built on my 32 years of experience negotiating leasing transactions for tenants in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Whether you are a client, prospective client, a “vendor” to the trade or a competitor, at least one thing is certain: Our website has a tremendous following, where we’ve created an effective activist lobby for commercial tenants’ interests and tenants’ issues. Yes, we want to win you over to become our clients. But in any event, our body of content influences and helps to shape the marketplace in ways friendly to the plight of all tenants. To be an effective broker and negotiator, you’d better be able to prove your command of the economy and tenant issues. So, my record of advice is always in writing.

Take your time, tenants. Our site is easy to navigate. In addition to the market commentaries I write, you’ll notice that we’ve been endorsed by scores of clients as well as architects, contractors, real estate lawyers and other professionals who’ve contributed educational articles to help you. You should also check out our Blog. We’re very eager to answer your questions, so please feel free to call me—especially if we can explore how we may assist you and your firm.

Dan Mihalovich, President, Mihalovich Partners.

Editorial & Advice to Tenants

If you are a first-timer at our site, know that we are totally and unequivocally committed to serving and representing the tenant community—and that my Editorials are not only meant to be instructive; they are a written record of our market analyses and recommendations; and, from my perspective, an easy way for you to differentiate the quality of our thinking and strategy with those of our competitors. Read my editorial from the beginning or jump directly to a topic that interests you below.

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